Determination of hydrostatic pressure force on a spherical surface under conditions of relative equilibrium of fluid using method K123


  • Yuri Kopanytsia Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури, Ukraine


Ключові слова:

method of three commands, K123, hydrostatic pressure, relative equilibrium of fluid, coordi-nates of pressure force center


Lack of modern universal computer algorithms for analytical and numerical modeling as well as for calculation of hydrostatic pressure force proves to be a problem in designing certain component parts of the water-sludge system of the concentrator.

Determination of the vector parameters of the hydrostatic pressure resultant force, namely, the magnitude, direction and calculation of the coordinates of the pressure force center in three dimensions, allows to design reliable components for product unloading in such processes as lighting, thickening and separation in systems using centrifugal acceleration under conditions of relative equilibrium of fluid.

Author’s universal algorithm, the method of three commands K123, has been offered to calculate the vector parameters of the hydrostatic pressure force on a curved surface under conditions of relative equilibrium of fluid. Calculation of the pressure force on an arbitrary surface component has been presented on the example of pressure on a spherical surface rotating with a certain frequency.

Presented algorithms allow to increase the efficiency in designing the component parts of automatic control for unloading the lightened or thickened product in the concentrator water-sludge systems.


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Як цитувати

Kopanytsia, Y. (2020). Determination of hydrostatic pressure force on a spherical surface under conditions of relative equilibrium of fluid using method K123. Проблеми водопостачання, водовідведення та гідравліки, (34), 12–18.