Comparative evaluation and improvement of calculation of filtration losses of water from regulat-ing pools of irrigation systems



Ключові слова:

filtration, water losses, regulating pond, irrigation system


The research on calculation of filtration losses of the water from regulating ponds the irrigation systems is presented. The general characteristic of the modern technical condition the shown that under modern operating, conditions the level of unproductive filtration losses of water from the  regulating ponds reaches about 30%. A comparison was made of the calculated indicators of water filtration by three methods. The first experiment was performed according to the formula of V. V. Vedernikov, the second was done due to the recommendation of the current standard DBN B.2.4-1-99 «Reclamation systems and structures», the third was proposed by the authors of the algorithm, which is an applied application of Darcy's law. The close connection relationship between the calculated indicators by different methods has been revealed. The data about 10 regulatory ponds located in the Dnipropetrovsk region are presented. It is proven that the total filtration losses of water from buildings range from 1.5 to 13.5 thousand m3 per month of operation. Depending on the design parameters of the regulating ponds and their modes of operation, the water loss for filtration is on average 55 m3 / month per 1 year of the length of the structure. In the disturbed sections of the GTS, this figure reaches more than 103 m3 / month per 1 m of length. It is determined that the total loss of water for filtration is 21-28% per month of the total volume of water in the regulating ponds. In monetary terms, with an average water cost of UAH 4.5 / m3, the losses in one typical regulating pond which has the measure of 100×100 m and 4 m deep are about UAH 96,000 / month.


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Як цитувати

Chushkina, I., Rudakov, D., Orlinskaya, O., Hapich, H., Maksimova, N., & Rudakov, L. (2020). Comparative evaluation and improvement of calculation of filtration losses of water from regulat-ing pools of irrigation systems. Проблеми водопостачання, водовідведення та гідравліки, (34), 37–43.