Theoretical fundamentals of mathematical modeling of the process of wastewater treatment of galvanic productions



Ключові слова:

heavy metal ions, pollution, environment, galvanic production, wastewater


Among the problems of environmental protection an important place is occupied by the decision of the questions directed on minimization of natural objects pollution. Pollution by hazardous chemicals of the environment (surface water bodies, atmospheric air, soil) has a negative impact on the state of the biosphere and on the population health. Intensive development of industry, agriculture, infrastructure and other industries directly affect the environment. Electroplating is a common component in many industries. In turn, emissions from galvanic production lead to environmental and economic losses. One of the issues that still needs to be addressed is the disposal of waste from such industries. Heavy metals enter the reservoirs with runoff of insufficiently treated wastewater and surface runoff from enterprises that use galvanic coating of metal surfaces or where dyes are used. Such a method of wastewater treatment from heavy metal ions as galvanocoagulation is widely used in the treatment of wash water, which is a waste from the process of electroplating. In this article, a mathematical model of the process of wastewater treatment from heavy metal ions by electroplating was developed and proposed on the basis of research and analysis of existing wastewater treatment processes from heavy metal ions. As a result of solving this mathematical problem, formulas were obtained for calculating the working height of the filter with a sufficient number of magnesium ions. Conclusions are also given on ways to reduce the negative impact of galvanic production on the components of the environment. Thanks to the use of a systematic approach, organizational and technical solutions, effective wastewater treatment will be ensured from pollution and the amount of production waste will be reduced.


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Як цитувати

Vasylenko, L., Vasylenko, O., Fedorenko, S., & Bereznytska, Y. (2020). Theoretical fundamentals of mathematical modeling of the process of wastewater treatment of galvanic productions. Проблеми водопостачання, водовідведення та гідравліки, (34), 4–11.