Improvement of certain elements of pressure flotation cleaning complex



Ключові слова:

pressure flotation, saturator, tubular saturator


A number of improvements to the existing schemes of pressure and flotation treatment of industrial wastewater are proposed. The classical variant of the organization of the scheme of pressure flotation with compressor injection of air into the vertical saturator and the system with the horizontal tubular saturator were considered. For the classical scheme the variant of full refusal of the compressor due to use of possibility of the pump to suck atmospheric air through the separate device on type of a rotameter together with working liquid from accumulative capacity is offered. Such changes will significantly reduce capital costs due to the price of the compressor and operating costs due to the corresponding consumption of electricity by the compressor. Given the disadvantages of the tubular saturator, an option is proposed that will preserve the advantages of the horizontal location of the tank for dissolving air in water and at the same time guarantees the possibility of undissolved atmospheric air entering the floater, as can happen in a vertical saturator. The saturation system consists of several separate tubular elements, located with a slope of 0.002… 0.005 on the movement of the liquid and mounted on a common frame. This design of the air saturation system in the working fluid makes it possible to avoid the danger of breaking undissolved air directly into the flotator.


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Як цитувати

Arhatenko, T. (2020). Improvement of certain elements of pressure flotation cleaning complex. Проблеми водопостачання, водовідведення та гідравліки, (33), 4–10.