The system of equations of a single continuality physical field and the specific properties of the fields of aqueous media



Ключові слова:

continuality fields, gravity, aquatic environments, the formation of living systems, electromag-netism, mass, unified field theory, capacitive properties, space-fields


The idea of a biofield as a special form of the existence of matter leads to the need to once again address the problem of constructing a unified field theory. The property continuality of the gravitational field of planets is interesting in that there are continuality electromagnetic fields of ions in aqueous media and this creates a favorable background for the formation of elements of living matter in the aquatic environment of planets. Perhaps the continuality property of the gravitational field is a fundamental factor in the formation of living systems. The gravitational field of planets always exists, and water only on some of them. The field theory of gravity using the concepts of continuality can be constructed taking into account the field structure of the corpuscles and the field nature of the masses in the framework of the capacitive properties of space-field. The field theory of the structural particles of matter - a proton and an electron - has shown that the mass of these particles is completely determined by continuality electromagnetic fields. And this allows us to construct a theory of a single continuality physical field expressed by vector and scalar potentials, the physical meaning of which is disclosed in the work and is determined by the gravitational field.


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Як цитувати

Simonov, I. (2019). The system of equations of a single continuality physical field and the specific properties of the fields of aqueous media. Проблеми водопостачання, водовідведення та гідравліки, (32), 33–50.