Choosing energy-saving water supply technologies in the water supply network



Ключові слова:

pumping station, water supply network, specific energy consumption, regulation of pump operation


Reducing energy consumption is one of the most important national economic problems in Ukraine. Since the water supply and sewage industry is one of the most energy-intensive, solving problems related to ensuring energy-saving of water supply is extremely necessary. The big deterioration of the plumbing networks in the settlements is causing heavy losses and secondary pollution of the water. The change of norms and regimes of water consumption and the characteristics of the structures of hydraulic interaction during operation leads to excessive pressures in the water supply system and the growth of its accident rate, not providing consumers with the necessary pressure of water and increase in material and moral damages. The operation of pumps in water supply systems is often beyond the limits of their recommended use. So, it has low efficiency and high energy consumption. That's why electricity consumption for water supply in Ukraine is significantly higher than in other European countries. It is possible to improve the situation by projecting new or reconstructing the existing structures of the water supply system using rational schemes, energy saving technologies and modern efficient equipment and materials throughout all the way of transporting water from the water source to the consumer, as well as determining economically feasible modes of operation of the structures with the least energy consumption. The article contains results theoretical research, and advice on choosing rational technological schemes water delivery in water supply networks and optimal modes of operation water supply facilities for minimizing unit costs of electricity by pumping stations.


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Як цитувати

Nor, V., & Khomutetska, T. (2018). Choosing energy-saving water supply technologies in the water supply network. Проблеми водопостачання, водовідведення та гідравліки, (30), 48–56.