Research of the mineral complex and opportunities using basalts and tuffs of ivandodolinsky quarry of the Rivne region in watertreatmant



Ключові слова:

basalt, tuff, sorption, manganese, pH, acid water, groundwater


Mineral composition of basalts and red-colored tuffs of Ivanodolinsky quarry of Rivne region is investigated. Water-purifying properties of dispersed basalts have not yet been investigated. There are significant prospects in this direction. It was established that mineralization of basalts is andesine, (93%) with small part of saponite (7 %) and tuffs consist of saponite (56%) and hematite (17%). The structure of each rock includes aluminosilicates, which possess ion-exchange properties.

It is known that acidic water (pH <6.5-7) without pre-treatment for drinking water needs special treatment. Transport by water supply systems is not possible as it does not meet the requirements of the State Sanitary. There are high concentrations of heavy metals ions in acidic groundwater. They are one of the most dangerous pollutants in the groundwater.

The mineral composition of the basalts and tuffs of the Ivanodolinsky deposit of the Rivne region is investigated. The questions of possibilities and using dispersed basalts and tuffs of Ivanodolinsky deposit of Rivne region for treatment of water intended for consumption. Reducing the acidity of water can do tuff and basalt. The highest efficiency of the extraction of ions Mn2+ showed red-colored tuff.


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Як цитувати

Melnychuk, V., Trach, J., Kosinov, V., Michel, M., & Rechek, L. (2018). Research of the mineral complex and opportunities using basalts and tuffs of ivandodolinsky quarry of the Rivne region in watertreatmant. Проблеми водопостачання, водовідведення та гідравліки, (30), 36–47.