The catalytic effect of hydrolysis products of iron compounds in the iron removal of groundwater



Ключові слова:

іron ions, oxidation, oxygen, catalytic effect, ferrum compounds, iron hydroxide, precipi- tation


The most important issue is the provision of high-quality drinking water to the population. This problem is not so much in the presence of water resources, but in the preparation of water safe for human health. Despite the fact that the quality of groundwater is better than surface water, it may not meet the regulatory requirements for the content of individual elements. They usually contain iron from 1 to 10 mg / L. There are many methods that can be used to remove iron from water. One of the simplest and cheapest is the method oxidation of iron with the sedimentation and removal of the formed iron hydroxide. In this paper, the processes of oxidation of iron ions by oxygen in the natural water was investigated. Dependences of the degree of oxidation of iron compounds from the time of water contact with air oxygen and the resulting precipitate in the process of settling are presented. It is shown that the rate of oxidation of iron in water depends on the initial concentration of iron ions and the time of contact with oxygen in the air. The results of oxidation of ions of divalent iron in the presence of products of its hydrolysis in the form of a precipitate are presented. It has been established that the formed ferrum compounds exhibit a catalytic effect in the volume of purified water during the oxidation process.

Біографія автора

Nikolai Gomelya, National technical university of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute”

докт. техн. наук, професор


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Як цитувати

Tverdokhlib, M., & Gomelya, N. (2018). The catalytic effect of hydrolysis products of iron compounds in the iron removal of groundwater. Проблеми водопостачання, водовідведення та гідравліки, (29), 37–45.