About continual gravitational field aqueous medium in the context of formation of self-organized structures (living matter)
https://doi.org/10.32347/2524-0021.2018.29.20-36Ключові слова:
water environments, continual fields, gravity, electromagnetism, formation, living matter, self-organizationАнотація
On the basis of A.Einstein's hypotheses, G. Cavendish's experiments, the Faraday – Maxwell approach, the works of modern physicists devoted to the problems of Cosmos, and my own early studies of the uses of the equations of continuous electrodynamics in this article was received a new equation of the continuous gravitational field. Calculations of the values of the gravitational field near the surface of the Earth coincide with the results of calculations based on the classical (Newtonian) law. The deviation in the calculated dependence is observed at distances of more than ten radii of the Earth and at the same time is the alternating. Perhaps it will be important in the exploration of deep space. Attention is drawn that it is of the continualy electromagnetic fields of ions of aqueous media that are the harmonizing system that is necessary for the formation of elements of living matter. In this paper, the idea is developed that the interaction of the continual electromagnetic fields and the continual gravitational field has a decisive influence on the formation of living matter.
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