Electrocoagulation of water AC 220V




Ключові слова:

electrocoagulation, bipolar electrodes, alternating current, voltage 220 V


The process of electrocoagulation has been one of the current areas of research for the last decade. The effectiveness of electrocoagulation is influenced by a number of factors, including the electrical parameters of the process organization: anode current density and operating voltage. The use of direct current is accompanied by the phenomenon of passivation of the electrode block and, as a consequence, with a constant value of voltage - a decrease in the amount of current in the network of the electrocoagulator. The possibility of modernizing the design of the electrocoagulator and changing the organization of the process of electrocoagulation in order to minimize the described difficulties was considered. The work of the electrocoagulator with a series of separated pairs of bipolar electrodes arranged according to the serial scheme is investigated. The electrical parameters of operation of the installation at alternating electric current and with the voltage of the household electricity supply (220 V) were studied. It is shown that the total voltage applied to the electrocoagulator for each individual pair of bipolar electrodes is divided in proportion to the electrical resistance of the water layer between them. For non-flowing water, the system has a certain decrease in the time of the total calculated electrical resistance, which may be due to the heating of the water in the cells from the passage of electric current. The process of formation of an electrolytically generated coagulant at the bipolar location of the electrodes occurs in each individual tank, and that the total mass of the formed coagulant in this scheme, consisting of n vessels, will be equivalent to the expression:mgen = mi × n.


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Як цитувати

Arhatenko, T. (2019). Electrocoagulation of water AC 220V. Проблеми водопостачання, водовідведення та гідравліки, (32), 6–14. https://doi.org/10.32347/2524-0021.2019.32.6-14